Friday, April 20, 2007

Defending Nickolay

Today, I have no choice without defending Nickolay. Because this is a fight. This is the world of scientists and engineers. Well, now see how I defend.

Nickolay said:(3+3+3+3)/4=3, then (3/4)*100%= 75%, it means then more you did than less mark you got - I agree(3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3)/8=3, so (3/8)(# of assignments)*100%=37.5%
>>> "(3/8)(# of assignments)*100%"
How did you think about that? Can you divide a grade by # of assignments? You always have to divide with similar things. In fact, my formula was

obtained gr = (avg gr/ total gr, 4)*100%

So, for all Bs = (3/4)*100% = 75% it always comes, doesn't matter how many assignments you are taking. Nickolay had more similar faults.

Nickolay said: same will be with C=2 or A=4, but(3+3+3)/3=3, then (3/3) (average /by # of assig. (>>>same error, how can you divide a marks by a number of assignments for percentige?))*100%=100% this means A, logically A is = to C, but it is wrong logic.
>>>Grades can always be divided by grades. Think, we all LEAP students (in total, 25) have 100 million dollar. Among them you alone have 25 million. What percentige of money have you obtained?

According to you,
% of money = (25 million/# of stds, 25)*100%
= 100 million % (it's impossible)

According to me,
% of money = (25 m/ 100 m)*100%
= 25% (it is possible)

Or if you did one essay and got C then you will get an A+++++++ 'cuz one essay with C=2 by the same theory will lead to (2)/1 =2, then 2/1(sorry, it sould be (2/4))*100%=200%(50%).Let Y be a final mark in % and X is a current mark so your calculation looks like Y=(Xn/n)*100% if X1=X2=...Xn as an example you've gave. It is just a general formula for each case of # of essays,

You want a general formula, OK,
current marks X1,X2,... Xn and the avg is Xavg
So total marks, Y=(Xavg/4(not n)*100%

I don't have time to figure out a specific example but it enough prove my point.Just be careful when you are dealing with math, Honestly I don't really like math but have to deal with it some times.

I appreciate you for defending. I like that you said different things. Later, I will publish such blogs (if I find) and everybody along with Nickolay is invited to my blogs. Thanks Nickolay and everybody.

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