Sunday, January 21, 2007

Why We are Bound to Fate

.... Jabir is late tonight from his office like the other day. He has reached at home @ 01:00 am. Therefore, his wife is very angry. She asked him, "Why is he late everyday? Why can't he give time for the family? Why are you so changed?" Jabir answer, "Last few days, there are so many patients, and they are coming from villages. I also cannot refuse anybody. It will be OK after few days. Don't worry." Then he takes his meal, and goes to sleep.
He gets up from sleep @ 08:00 am. His assistant is calling him from phone as there already a number of patients. That's why, he has to get up from sleep very early. Otherwise, he has a plan to sleep more. What can he do? Now, he has to go to the office as early as possible. His driver is ready with the car, and he is taking brekfast very fast. Then, he starts towards the office. All patients are waiting. It usually takes 10 minutes to reach to the office, but there are everywhere traffic jam in the street, so it probably take more than 30 minutes. After getting struck in traffic jam, Jabir is thinking what has happened to him, why his wife is not loving like the honeymoon stage. Finally, he comes to a dream....
On June 4, 1992 he was attending an exam of physic for passing the HSC (equivalent to Grade 12 pass). After getting the question, he was so pleased that he said, "Yahoo! I will get A+(80% or above marks) in the exam." But his dream started becoming false. Just after 1 hrs 30 min, there was severe ghasty wind. Everywhere, electricity wads gone. All rooms of the building became darker and darker. Nothing could be seen. Jabir knew everything, but he could not write anything. Finally, the whole time passed. He could not finish the exam with satisfactory. Then when the result came out, he got A-(61%-70%). After that, he tried to apply in any Engineering university. His dream to be an engineer became impossible.
Hence, he thinks there is something which is called fate, and because of this, he is now a physician in lieu of an engineer. He has no time for his family. Hooooooooof! Actually, electricity problem had changed his life, his profession. He becomes upset. Oh! he has to think again what now he can do now.....


EsTella said...

I like the title>$%(*&

Scott Douglas said...

Is this a true story, or a fictional one? It's really good.

serenity said...

So particular story.
I suggest you be a writer if you have enough time.
It is a great fun from your story!

Kenneth said...

I love to read your story, I do think that your writing is better than last semester. however you should improve your speaking as well (you know pronounciation is one of our test during mid-term anf final exam) i do love to be your enginnering classmate next year. let work hard together

anna said...

This story might be about your own thoughts which profession to choose? You could be a very good doctor, if only you are interested in this profession.

Alif said...

Hey! Guys, It's not my life. I just took some information from one of my friend's my life.

Jennifer said...

hi ~
did u write the story?
if u did, u have the potencial to be a good writer~~
and, by the way, u left a message on my blog and told me ur story in ur ex-university, that's really bad. leave that university is a good choice for u.